Nuisance Animal Removal Expert with over 20 years of experience


Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Sat-Sun: 8:00 AM - Noon

Woodchuck Removal

Need to get rid of woodchucks in your home or office space? Baker Wildlife can help! We are a full service nuisance wildlife removal company providing woodchuck removal to Geneva NY and the surrounding Finger Lakes area. Professional control, removal, exclusion, and remediation processes involved in solving woodchuck infestations is one of our specialties. We have the knowledge, experience, and skill set to solve any woodchuck problem.

Woodchuck Removal Basics

Woodchucks are classified as a pest species due to their habit of digging and eating crops. The most common complaints about woodchucks include:

  • Large burrows next to a home
  • Large burrows under decks and porches
  • Garden/landscaping vegetation being eaten

For these reasons, people want this nuisance animal trapped and removed from their property. Woodchucks can be trapped in live cage traps, or special lethal traps mounted right on the burrow entrance.

Woodchucks  are rodents, and adults average 8-10 pounds. They give birth in spring to 3-6 young. They have a lifespan of up to six years in the wild. They are primarily herbivorous, eating a wide variety of plants.
Woodchucks are diggers. They dig tunnels and burrows underground, in which they live and raise their young. The tunnel may have up to five entrances and 50 feet of total tunnel distance. They create a den to live in, and to hibernate in. They are primarily active during the daytime. They can climb and swim, but they mostly stay in fields, foraging. When they sense danger, they retreat for the tunnel. Woodchucks can create a wide variety of vocal noises. They grow fat during the summer, lethargic by autumn, and in winter, they hibernate. They emerge in spring and start the mating process.
Woodchucks are considered agricultural pests, since they love to eat a wide variety of crops and vegetation.  However, their burrowing habits often cause a bigger problems. Livestock animals can break their legs by stepping into burrows, and the removal of soil caused when they burrow under a deck or porch can undermine the stability of the foundation.
The best method to remove woodchucks is trapping and removal. If you block off their holes, they will just dig them out again. They can’t be poisoned. We specialize in live removals.
Many people try various repellents to get rid of woodchucks. Everything from mothballs to fox or coyote urine has been tried before, but none of these are effective in any way. The only sure means of woodchuck control is trapping and removal of the animal.
Woodchuck Groundhog Removal Baker Wildlife (2)

We offer a standard one-year repair and installation warranty that is renewable upon annual inspection. If an animal gains access through our repair work, we will remove the problematic animal and fix the original repair work at no charge.  Service agreements and warranty details are provided to each client upon inspection.  Structures that have building materials becoming of substandard rotten or weak condition may require renovation prior to, or during Baker Wildlife Control processes in order to provide a warranty.

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