Need to get rid of bats in your home or office space? Baker Wildlife can help! We are a full service nuisance wildlife removal company providing bat removal to Geneva NY and surrounding Finger Lakes. Professional control, removal, exclusion, and remediation processes involved in solving bat infestations is our specialty. Whether you have just one bat or hundreds of bats living in the attic we have the knowledge, experience, and skill set to solve any bat problem.
Bat Removal Basics
Bat Inspection:
An informative consultation and inspection provides the client with the understanding of bat behavior and the step by step process to take control of their conflict. It will uncover the potential and main access areas for bats, steps necessary for the removal process, and inspect for possible damages at the interior caused by heavy build-up of bat guano (the source and attractant) of fungus, disease, parasites, and other insects.
Exclusion process:
Occurs primarily at the exterior from the roof down to the foundation sealing small gaps ¼” and larger, or other repairs where bats may have access. Exclusion devices are temporarily installed over main entry / exit locations that will allow bats to leave and not re-enter. Our devices are removed after 30 days (or at discretion of Baker Wildlife Control) and final openings permanently sealed. Remediation processes that may be necessary are then performed to remove the bat waste, sanitize, or other services needed to restore the value of the property.
When a colony is present:
It is in the best interest of the client that eviction of bats, or any activity that directly affects their roosting area, should occur only prior to or after the maternity season, to avoid trapping young bats inside, creating additional problems. Baker Wildlife Control does not perform maternal colony exclusions between May 15th and August 15th of the calendar year. Bat proofing and preparations for eviction times may be beneficial however, one way exclusion devices should not be set during this time period.
Contact with Bats:
Any mammal can contract the rabies virus however, bats are a rabies vector species (RVS) and more like to carry the virus. If any contact with a bat is suspected, the New York State Sanitary Code – Chapter 1, Title 10 is referred to. Directions are to be followed by your local NY County Health Department or family doctor.

A bat may simply fly in through an open window or door however reoccurring access may indicate other issues. Bats also gain access into new and old structures through exterior building gaps ¼ of an inch and larger, and may include places such as: connecting roof lines, gaps in brick, siding, wood soffits and fascia boards, roof sheathing, inadequately screened vents, ridge vents, windows, unsecured chimneys, and other deficiencies that can lead to structural cavities and its living spaces.
Are aesthetic to the homes appearance and yet durable to keep bats out. Building materials and products such as: Clear paint able sealants, rodent proofing fabrics, roof sealant, metal flashing, PVC, hardy cement board, wood / metal trim, flashing, foam sealants, galvanized mesh / screening, and other replacement / protective installations.
One way doors for bats, usually made of small types of tubing or netting temporarily installed directly over main exit / entry locations during bat proofing processes allowing bats a way to pass out of a structure that will not permit them to physically re-enter. With all other secondary areas also sealed, bats will have no access back inside once they pass through the devices.
Great care is taken to ensure that no bats will be sealed inside. Due to their unpredictable behavior and hibernation patterns, it is very important to understand that some numbers of bats may need to be removed from the interior of a home or building once they present themselves during or after the bat proofing project takes place. Some bats may or already have traveled into structural areas such as wall, floor cavities, basement, and also living space. This occurrence is more common in old architecture and larger buildings.
Baker Wildlife Control exclusion services for bats are seasonal and weather dependent throughout the calendar year. mosquitos, beetles and other insects are their main food source, and it is the need to feed that causes them to leave out at night and exit a structure. As humidity and insects decrease with cooler night time temperatures, bat activity also begins to slow down making them more likely to stay inside for longer periods. Bat projects performed too late in the season may be unproductive and increase the risk of sealing some bats inside. Exclusion devices may be left in place throughout winter months, and removed in the spring.
Baker Wildlife Control bat control programs include a standard 1 year warranty and are renewable by annual inspection. Service agreements and warranty details are provided to each client. A structure that has building materials becoming of substandard, weathered, weak or rotten condition may require updating prior to, or during Baker Wildlife Control processes in order to provide warrant-able services.