Animal and Bird Proofing
Imagine you are lying in bed late at night struggling to fall asleep after a stressful day… and you hear a noise… at least you think you did. Did you imagine it? Now you really can’t fall asleep because your mind is asking “Did I Hear Something?” or “Am I Imaging It?”. So you toss and turn until you get the good news. You are not crazy. There really was a noise. Yeah!
Um… At least it felt like good news until you realized that noise is some kind of animal or bird in your attic. Now as you struggle to fall asleep your brain struggles to solve the mystery of what kind of animal it is. Is it a cute little squirrel? A bird? A mouse? (Hint- It’s not Superman). Or maybe a rat? Or what if it’s more than one?
While you may not be able to lay in bed and figure out exactly what kind of animal (or bird) is in your attic, or even how many of them there are, by now you have probably figured out you are going to get little or no sleep tonight.
But like most people… The next day you put off calling someone…
Unfortunately, there are consequences to procrastination. For example; because they mature so fast, breed so often and give birth to so many babies at once a single pair of mice can lead to hundreds of mice in your attic in less than 6 months (For example while you are away during the summer months). Other consequences include more nights of lost sleep, damage to wiring and with each new day the possibility of dead animals in your attic and walls. This in turn leads to bad odors, diseases and germs in your home and more.
With this in mind we suggest three simple steps
1) Never procrastinate. The problem will not go away on its own. It will simply get worse costing you more money and more nights of list sleep.
2) Have any live or dead animals removed in a manner where they do not get trapped in the walls
3) Have your home properly animal and bird-proofed.
And we also want to say there is a big difference in how one company does animal and bird proofing versus another. Some companies put on a big show (Lots of banging and noise to make you think they are doing things) where they make it look like they are working to prevent infestations… but in reality they only block half of the entrances and exits to your attic, walls, etc… They also take a one size fits all approach. Which makes no sense because how a woodpecker enters your home is completely different than how a rat would.
What we offer is “full disclosure” after careful analysis of “every possible entryway” into your home of what options you have to prevent animals and birds from entering your home. The difference is that if you call “the other guy” you may still end up with birds and animals in your attic because “They missed something” versus with us “You can sleep at night with a smile on your face”. Give Baker Wildlife Control a call!!

The materials we use are aesthetic to the homes appearance and yet durable to keep birds and animals out. Building materials and products such as: Clear paint able sealants, fabrics, roof sealant, metal flashing, PVC, hardy cement board, wood / metal trim, flashing, foam sealants, galvanized mesh / screening, and other replacement / protective installations.
Baker Wildlife Control bat control programs include a standard 1 year warranty and are renewable by annual inspection. Service agreements and warranty details are provided to each client. A structure that has building materials becoming of substandard, weathered, weak or rotten condition may require updating prior to, or during Baker Wildlife Control processes in order to provide warrant-able services.